"She (Nadirah) can unpack a layer of any negativity that weighs on you if you are in her space and grant permission. She truly has a gift." - Quiana Dee, CEO
Download This Free Daily Energy Fitness Guide Now To Learn My Secret, Step-by-Step Strategies. 100% FREE!
Attention: Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs, Moms, & Empty Nesters

There is An Easier Way
As an ambitious woman and entrepreneur,
it's important to grow your business and relationships by making your daily tasks feel fun and creative.
Organize your day in a way that works for you, your self development, and helps you stay calm and focused.
Keep things simple by breaking tasks down into easy steps, so you can get sh*t done and achieve higher success rates in everything you do.
Trust your gut instincts when deciding which daily and weekly business goals to tackle first by knowing what days of the week power you most to stay on track.
What Others Are Saying ...

Who Is Nadirah Lugg

Presented by Your Clarity Queen,
Nadirah Lugg
Intuitive Tarot/Oracle Reader & Astrologer:
You can blame the Gemini Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Rising for Nadirah's many skills, talents and gifts, but know that you will be forever entertained with company, storytelling, energy, coaching or readings. Nadirah's gift is to make uncomfortable conversations . . . very comfortable and invoking practical solutions from the viewpoint of the client.
Success Life Coaching:
Nadirah provides a confidential, safe space to openly express personal beliefs and grow into a higher state of enlightenment by strengthening the connection to Higher Self/Source. She is not here to just give advice. There is NO sustainability in that process. She is here to guide you to a clearer connection and expansion of your cognitive abilities. All your answers lie within and she is just providing you the various tools to dig and confidently make the successful discoveries yourself.